How and where does Grupo Casas Bahia disclose its information?

Grupo Casas Bahia discloses its information to the market, such as material facts, earnings results, and others simultaneously on CVM/B3 and the Company’s investor relations website (ri.grupocasasbahia.com.br), and can be subsequently forwarded via e-mail to persons registered to receive this information.

Interim financial statements, press releases, presentations, material facts, and notices to shareholders are available on Grupo Casas Bahia’s investor relations website (ri.grupocasasbahia.com.br). Other information about the Company also can be obtained on the websites of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (www.b3.com.br) and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (www.cvm.gov.br).

You can also register in the website mailing to receive periodic information the Company releases to the market.

Where are Grupo Casas Bahia’s shares traded?

Grupo Casas Bahia’s shares are registered for trading on B3 under the ticker “BHIA3”, and accepted for trading on the Novo Mercado, OTC Markets, under the ticker “VIAYY”, as ADR.

What does ADR mean?

ADR means American Depositary Receipt. These are depositary receipts corresponding to Grupo Casas Bahia’s shares and are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The Casas Bahia Group’s ADR program has been terminated and ADR holders have until January 26 to voluntarily cancel their program. After this date, the remaining shares underlying the ADRs will be sold on the stock exchange.

Below, Grupo Casas Bahia’s ADRs information and contact with the bank in charge:

Ticker: VIAYY

Stock Exchange: OTC Markets

Ratio: 1 ADR = 1 ADR: 25 Shares

CUSIP: 92555C109

Country: Brazil

Industry: Retail


The Bank of New York Mellon – Shareowner services

BNY Mellon Shareowner Services

PO Box 505000,

Louisville, KY 40233-5000

Night delivery

BNY Mellon Shareowner Services

462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600

Louisville KY 40202

Domestic and Canada 888 BNY ADRS 888-269-2377 Unless they have a dedicated number.

International 201-680-6825


How can I invest in stocks?

Via has a section on its website named “How to invest?” to clarify the process of investing in stocks.

What do dividends mean, and when are these paid?

Dividends represent a form of earnings/return to the investor, in which a portion of the profit earned by a company (corporation) is distributed to shareholders in the form of cash. The amount of dividends is proportional to the number of shares owned and the profit earned by the company in the last financial year in which the amount of dividends is calculated

The distribution of dividends shall observe the provisions of the Company’s bylaws.

Any distribution of interest on equity shall be imputed to the mandatory dividend.

Who are Grupo Casas Bahia’s auditors?

Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S.

CNPJ: 61.366.936/0001-25

Started on 01/01/2019

Who is Grupo Casas Bahia’s bookkeeping agent?

Itaú is our bookkeeping agent, its main duties are to safekeeping, update transactions, pay dividends, and assist Grupo Casas Bahia’s shareholders.

Therefore, to track your shareholding position, Itaú makes available the following accesses:

If you are a Banco Itaú’s account holder, for consultation, please access your account at www.itau.com.br.

In the Current Account menu, you can find the Income Report.

In the Investments menu, you can consult your bookkeeping shares under Itaú’s custody.

If you are not a Banco Itaú’s account holder, you can obtain information from your brokerage firm.

To clarify doubts or obtain additional information via telephone:

(0xx11) 3003-9285 city capital and metropolitan regions

0800 720 9285 other regions

Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

How can I contact Grupo Casas Bahia’s investor relations area?

Investors/Analysts Telephone: 11 4225-6017

E-mail: ri@casasbahia.com.br