Individual Shareholders may consult their shares easily and quickly. The main information for control of your investments is available on the Internet: shareholding position, transaction statement, payments notice, income report, and subscription list.
Itaú is our bookkeeping agent, whose main duties are to safekeeping, update transactions, pay dividends, and assist Grupo Casas Bahia’s shareholders.
Therefore, to track your shareholding position, Itaú makes available the following accesses:
If you are a Banco Itaú’s account holder, for consultation, please access your account at
The Current Account menu makes available the Income Report.
In the Investments menu, you can consult your Bookkeeping Shares under Itaú’s custody.
If you are not a Banco Itaú’s account holder, you can obtain information from your brokerage firm.
To clarify doubts or obtain additional information by telephone:
(0xx11) 3003-9285 city capital and metropolitan regions
0800 720 9285 other regions
Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.